Almost 3 months ago, I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl Elisha Kendra. It's true what they always say, all the pains and sacrifices you experienced during childbirth is worth once you see your baby. I decided to blog my birthing story, so I won't forget the details of this life-changing experience.
I was scheduled for a pre-natal check up on 5th November 2012 (around 39 weeks and 4 days). I was already feeling anxious because I felt backpains the night before. I just knew that I'll be giving birth soon.
Dr. Lisa Chin, my OB-Gyne did an ultrasound and told me that my amniotic fluid was low and the baby is very engaged already, so she needed to induce me. So that's why, I've been feeling those backpains! I agreed and she immediately gave me an inducing tablet at 4pm.
She instructed us to come back at 8PM for admission. After doing some more tests to make sure our baby is okay, we went back home to pack our things. My mom told me to sleep some more, while she prepared our dinner. I barely slept... I was so excited, anxious and nervous!
We arrived at Gleneagles around 8:30PM, and was admitted to a one-bedded private room. My mom wanted to stay at the hospital until I gave birth, but she was not allowed to sleep inside the room. Because there was a rule that only one lodger must stay overnight. She just stayed at the lobby and waited patiently for our beautiful baby girl to come out.
Hubby and I barely slept throughout the night. Dr. Lisa ordered the nurse that if my labor is not progressing by midnight, they will have to give me another inducing tablet. So they did. I was only 1 cm dilated.
And the labor pains started to feel like very bad backpains... I keep tossing back and forth wishing the pain would stop. We tried sitting on the bench, on the couch, walking inside the room, hubby massaging my lower back, but the pain is still there and had no plans of going away.
Around 5AM, I took a shower to help me relax more because I was about to be transferred to the delivery ward at 6AM. I took a light breakfast, to give me more energy for labor and pushing.
Meanwhile at the delivery ward, I was relieved to know that my nurse is a Filipina, Ate Evelyn. I could not have made it through without her, and my hubby. They encouraged me, held my hand, took care of me all throughout and I'm so thankful.
Dr. Lisa arrived around 8AM, and she was convincing me to take epidural because she know I am scared of pain! Hahaha! I thought about it for a while, but I gave in anyway because I read somewhere that the drip is much more painful!
Dr. Dick Tay, the anesthesiologist arrived past 9AM. He introduced himself, made some chitchat and explained to me the whole procedure. He is very nice and friendly. I find him very good because I did not feel anything! I tried so hard not to think about the big needle that was about to be injected to my spine.. I just looked at my hubby, closed my eyes and tried to imagine our baby.
I stared to feel numb from waist down 15 minutes after I was given epidural. It was a very weird feeling, not to feel anything. (Hahaha so redundant!) But I'm so thankful that I asked for an epidural because Dr. Lisa burst my water bag around 10AM.
By 12PM, I was 5cm dilated. 1:30PM, I was 9.5cm dilated. Ohhhhhh that crucial 0.5cm before I was fully dilated... we had to wait more than an hour! I was starting to feel tired, hungry and bored. Not a good combination. So, I looked outside and it was raining so hard!
By 3PM, Dr. Lisa instructed Ate Evelyn to teach me how to push because I was already fully dilated. Then the frustration started! I did not know how to push! It could be due to a number of reasons...
First, I was in epidural so there was no "urge to push." We just relied on the monitor to know when I was having contractions. Second, it's almost a day of labor! I was tired, thirsty and hungry. Third, Ate Evelyn explained that the breathing technique was just like swimming. But I never learned how to swim inspite of Hubby's numerous attempt to teach me. Also, I must have skipped to read about the "pushing part" of childbirth... hahaha! How dumb can I get?!
By 5PM, everybody is getting anxious already because I have been pushing for 2 hours! Thank God baby Elisha's heart rate is very good... If not, Dr. Lisa could have ordered for a CS because I can't push the baby out. Dr. Lisa told me she will perform vacuum delivery and Ate Evelyn called another nurse to help her to push my tummy.
And beautiful baby Elisha Kendra came out at 5:16PM, weighing 3.165 kgs. She was placed at my chest and it was love at first sight. :)