Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is having a baby really expensive?

It sure is. But what makes it worthwhile is seeing your baby smile. (As I type this blog entry, our baby E is moving inside my tummy :)) And it will make you forget about everything. Even just for a few minutes. Then comes the hospital bills, insurance etc.

Today, I'm feeling more organized than usual. I paid the rent and organized our expenses for the next few months. It just feels so good to accomplish pending tasks. I have my dear husband to thank for teaching me how to save, and giving me the inspiration to be more organized.

When I got pregnant, "spending for yourself" always is a mental battle. I kept on thinking, instead of spending, I should just save the money for our baby. Then, another part of me would rationalize that this is the time to be spending for yourself, because once the baby comes, it'll be much harder.

Like for instance, our upcoming wedding anniversary next month. Hubby and I have been discussing, thinking, discussing and thinking again for about a week, whether or not we should push through our staycation. But we are leaning towards going for it.

I promise to save more and pray that I'll have normal delivery. 17 weeks to go!!! :)

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